C Programming Language Tutorial

C Programming Language Tutorial for Beginners

C is a by-product of the Unix software and it is a popular programming language that is commonly used. It is used from the start for software, microcontrollers, programs, and graphics. It has been a common language of Automation in the last days.

The importance of C is quite influential in current or conventional programming languages. Clearly, in C tutorial, we may say that C programming has a major impact on C++, C #, Java and Perl and C++ is an enhancement of C.

C Basics

The language used for programming C is formal and procedural. While designed for program applications, this high-level language has been shown by C language to be efficient and versatile enough to be used in business applications.
  • Comments
  • Escape Sequence 

A loop is a signal or processor that will continuously execute a sequence of statements. We have three loops in C for, when, and do during loops. -- loop has an equation or state, and the compiler will either perform the block of code or exit the loop, depending on the result.
  • While Loop
  • Do While Loop
  • For Loop   

Arrays are a set of principles on the same type of data. C supports single-dimensional, two-dimensional, and multi-dimensional arrays.
  • String
  • One Dimensional Array
  • Two Dimensional Arrays
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays 

C programming tutorial on Functions

We can split or break a program into small groups using Methods in C Programming. Since every function has its own statements about description, declaration, logic, and return. This portion of the  C programming language tutorial on transforms the introduction functions, forms, and recursive functions.
  • Function
  • Passing Parameters to the Function
  • Pass Array to the function
  • Pass Pointers to Functions
  • Types of User-Defined Function
  • Recursion

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